How To Climb Mount Everest In Sandals


“There is a huge amount of power to be extracted from Rhiannon’s life story. It’s a journey defined by learned wisdom that emerges from a life of hard knocks. How many of you have lost your birth mum to a catastrophic situation? Had an innocent childhood ripped away by sexual abuse. Built a seemingly stable marriage that went bad, weirdly bad.? Created a house of bricks and mortar only to lose it to a tent for you and your young son’s shelter. Rhiannon knows better than anyone that life can be tough. Her story is honest, raw and vulnerable and a testimony to the fact that if you think it has to stay that way, you need to think again. Today, Rhiannon moves from a place of personal responsibility, anti-ego wisdom, gratitude, abundance, success and a whole lot of tough love insights that are peppered throughout this book. Read it and take them with you to treasure.”

Eloise King – “Soul Sessions” Founder and “Body and Soul” Journalist.

“This book is a gift. Whether you identify with Rhiannon’s struggles or strengths, courage or perseverance, the wisdom she has learned and the joy she shares cannot help but inspire.”

Gillian Anderson, Scully from the “X-Files” and also from “The Fall”


©2025 by Conscious Coaching Collective.